We are real estate,
We invest in technology that redefines the future of real estate. Partnering with Venturon puts you in the cross-section of trends, tech, companies and people who are shaping the built world.
Who We Are
The Simple Truth
The world is changing.
Real estate needs a new foundation.
The most successful industry in the world is also the least technologically innovative. We believe that new technology, products and services can create disruptive advantages, efficiencies and significant returns. And that calls for a real estate rethink.
Technology changes every day.
Real estate hasn’t - yet.
There is a time in every industry when the playing field gets rearranged, and permanent changes redefine the way the game is played. And at that time, those who can be at the leading edge of innovation will gain the rewards. Today, we are bringing together the people and the ideas that will help rethink real estate. Because that time is now.
Why We Invest
What We Do
Venturon is a Canadian-owned investment group that consults with and makes strategic contributions in Real Estate Technology Start-up companies that operate primarily in North America.
The target for these technologies will be real estate owners, land developers, operators, general contractors, architects and consultants.
• WE FIND technology companies with unique game changing products
• WE DETERMINE investments based on scalability, potential demand, ESG impact, efficiencies and return
• WE CHOOSE companies and invest $50,000 - $1 million plus in each firm
• WE ADD value:
- Deep knowledge of the real estate industry
- Strategic and business development expertise
- Our “hub structure” helps companies be more efficient
- Our suite of solutions is a comprehensive package or individual products
- Established and growing strategic relationships and development mentoring
- We support Beta testing
- Network connections that link entrepreneurs to an acceleration highway
- Access to investors with expansion capital
Contact Us
291 Edgeley Blvd, Suite 1
Concord, ON L4K 3Z4